Monday, March 18, 2013

How To Get Ripped Fast – The Guide On Getting Ripped Abs And Arms Fast At Home

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My definition of getting ripped is this, when you have the least amount of body fat (below 8%) and you have muscle mass, giving the appearance of a chiseled look. 

The key about getting ripped is composed of two things.  They are making sure you build muscle and you are also losing the excess body fat that you may be gaining when trying to build muscle. 

I also view two different male body types and they are the bodybuilder type and the male fitness model type.  You can choose the body type you want, but for me I would rather much look like a model than a bodybuilder whose arms are bigger than my head. 
If you choose to change the way you look that’s up to you, but this article is going to talk exclusively about getting ripped.

The two things you should focus on if you want to get ripped is you diet and your workout.  Getting these two things right will help you transform your body quickly.  So let’s get started to talking about each of them, so you can how to get a ripped body fast. 

How To Get Ripped Fast At Home

Working out at the gym is only one option you have.  You can also workout at home too, which I usually prefer than going to a gym. 
But everyone’s situation is different and I know that not everyone can afford gym equipment.  But working out at home has some pros that you may not have considered; such as you don’t have to share workout equipment while you workout. 

If you have a simple workout bench with a few free weights you can defiantly get ripped because that’s all I have and I consider myself pretty ripped.  So it really doesn’t matter where you workout, just as long as you stay dedicated to your workouts.  Let’s dive right in to the main points about getting ripped, shall we?

The Ripped Diet

Basically when you are trying to get ripped you want to lose as much fat as you can, but also produce as much muscle on your body as you can. 
To do this you are going to limited carbohydrates though out day and right after you workout you are going to consume as much food as you can to produce muscle.  A good article that I wrote, that describes that exact process can be found here.   

The Ripped Workout

As long as you diet properly your workout is going to get you ripped no matter what.  But make sure you are giving your muscles the stimulus they need to get bigger.  You should also use less weight when working out and more repetitions. 
A full body workout is the most beneficial to you because the more muscles you workout the more fat you will burn.  So choose a workout that is intricate enough, but also simple enough that it doesn’t involve too much workout equipment. 
Another article I wrote on the ripped workout can be found here.  You can also check out some good workouts at

How To Get Ripped Abs Fast At Home

Who doesn’t want abs? Losing belly fat is going to be your biggest fallback if you are trying to get abs.  But implementing the diet I talked about above or a diet similar to it, will make you be able to see your abs.  It doesn’t even have to be that hard. 
Just changing a few things to your diet could mean the difference between excess belly fat and a six-pack.  But your diet isn’t the only thing that helps you get abs; you also have to workout your abs.  Below are a few exercises that will help you get abs.

The Best Ab Exercises

The three main areas of your abs are you lower, upper, and your side abs (obliques), these exercises do the best job at targeting these the most.  You can also check out this workout, which is very effective for your midsection. 

The Myotatic Crunch

Leg Lifts

Bicycle Kicks

Hanging Leg Raise

How To Get Ripped Arms Fast

If you are on a low carb diet one of the first places I usually lose far is in my arms and if your body is anything like mine, you will also lose fat in your arms quickly. 
So I would care too much about the fat part in my arms, it’s more about the workouts you perform that will give you ripped arms.  Here is the workout I do on a weekly basis to get ripped arms fast. 


Barbell Curl

Preacher Curls

Hammer Curls


Over the head extension

Skull Crushers

How To Get Ripped Fast Without Weights

The easiest way to get ripped without weights is to do a full bodyweight workout routine a couple of times a week.  Body weight exercises involve no weights and all you are using for resistance is your own body weight. 

It may seem crazy to think that no weights are going to be involved in your workout, but you will be surprised how good of a workout you really can get.  And you probably won’t think you will get results when you don’t workout with conventional weight, but that couldn’t be further form the truth. 

You can get just as good of a workout without weights than if you were to do a workout with them.  It’s all about the intensity you perform each workout and you are eating a clean diet.  A good body weigh workout you can try at home is this one. 

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