Friday, March 15, 2013

The Best Male Fitness Model Workout That Will Give You The Best Results

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic/
Although not every guy may want to actually be a male fitness model, I think every guy wants to look like one.  But to look like one you have to train like one. 

In order to actually look like one you have to be dedicated to your workout and your diet on a daily basis.  That is the only way that you can be successful and make people’s head turn when you walk past them. 

It may take you weeks or even months before you can actually say you look like a fitness model.

There are three things to focus on and they are your diet, workout, and your resting periods.  If you can get those down to a science you will have no problem with getting you desired outcome. 
It just takes time, but believe me, if you can get those three things right, you will no doubt look like a male fitness model.  This article is just going to talk about the workout, so read it, but if you want to learn the diet to look like a fitness models, check out this article I wrote. 

I know how frustrating sometimes it can be.  When you do everything in your power do try to get results, but aren’t seeing what you like in the mirror.  I’ve been there and you probably have too, but you have to choose to keep pushing forward no matter what. 
You have to “get your mind right”.  Your current appearance is nothing more than your previous diet and workout habits.  So you have to look past that and within a couple of weeks of implementing a few things that I’m about to show you below you will change that entirely into something amazing.

Male Fitness Model Workout

There is no right or wrong way to implement a good male fitness model workout routine, as long as your workout is targeting the tight muscles.  Primarily you want to make sure you workout your arms, legs, and your midsection pretty good, hitting each muscle at least once a week. 
I would also recommend you workout your legs twice a week.  Working out your legs is vital to muscle production because larger muscles will produce more testosterone in your body. 

Here is a good fitness model workout schedule that I would recommend you begin with, then as you get used to this one, you can started using other ones. 
If you don’t recognize a certain exercise you can always Google search it or find a video on Youtube that shows you how to do it. 

This workout focused heavily on your larger muscles, which is exactly what we want.  You will be alternating your cardio days with your abs workout days.  This is to make sure you are making sure you can see your abs, which EVERY male fitness model has.

Day One: Legs & Abs

Barbell Squat
Lying Leg Curls
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises
Myotatic Crunch

Day Two: Chest & Cardio

Flat Bench Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Flat Bench Fly’s
30 minute jog

Day Three: Back, Triceps, and Abs

Bent Over Rows
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Dips (Lats Version)
Overhead tricep extension
Lying Barbell Extensions
Myotatic Crunch

Day Four: Shoulders, Biceps, and Cardio

Military Press
Side Lateral Raise
Barbell Curl
Sitting Curls
Hammer Curls
30 minute jog

The Truth About The Fitness Model Diet And Workout

You can do this workout every week for years, but the honest truth is if you don’t follow a good diet program you will never be able to look like a fitness model, I can guarantee you that. 

That is why I strongly suggest you take a look at my article talking step by step on the fitness model diet plan.  You need to find a balance between muscle gain and fat loss, which is sometimes tricky if you have no idea on how to do it.  I also suggest you take a look at VisualImpact For Men.  This is a program designed exactly for that specific goal. 

As far as the workout goes you have to stay dedicated to it.  There are going to be some days where, the last thing you would want to do is go to the gym and workout.  It’s so much easier to stay in and watch t.v.  But do you think fitness models do that, I don’t think so. 
They actually enjoy going to the gym everyday.  I know that sounds weird, but it’s true and eventually if you consistence workout for years you will see what I mean.  It actually will get you out of bed because you NEED to workout and you will feel good about yourself.

1 comment:

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