Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Best Body Weight Exercises For Men, Women, And Exercises Using Body Weight For Each Muscle Group

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic/
Not many people may realize or believe it, but you can get just as good as workout with bodyweight workouts than if you were to workout with conventional free weights. 

If you never completed a good body weight workout routine then you don’t know the benefits you can get from them. 

And the best thing about them is you need absolutely no equipment.  If you’re like me and you like to workout at home this is the perfect way to do it. 

All you need is your body and maybe a mat so you’re not performing some of the exercises on the floor or ground. 

The appeal of doing workouts where you can do them anywhere, at any time of the day is a real turn on and that’s why I think a lot of people like them.  In my opinion, the best body weight exercises involve all of your muscles at the same time. 
This way you can get much more out of your workouts and this means it takes you less to complex a workout, which is why I think a lot of people don’t workout in the first place; because of their busy schedules.  If you really wanted to you could perform exercises using own body weight even at your work, that is, if you feel comfortable looking a little weird. 

Best Body Weight Exercises

Image courtesy of -Marcus- /
Below you will find a list of body weight exercises that I think are the best.  I have personal used these exercises at one time or another in my workouts. 

I have noticed that body weight exercises for men and body weight exercises for women are very similar, so I think these will be good for both women and men. 
I like to perform body weight exercises in a circuit or superset form, but you can perform these anyway you want to. 
You can also make your own workout with these exercises.  You can even make your own exercises or a variation off of one of these, which is why I like body weight exercises; you can get pretty creative with them. 
If you don’t know how to perform a certain exercise, Google search it or find a Youtube video on it. 

Body Weight Leg Exercises

The best body weight exercises for legs are going to involve your three main muscles in your legs. Them being you quadriceps, your hamstrings and your calves, this is the only way to get well-balanced leg muscles. 
Working out your leg is vital to building muscle throughout your body because they contain some of the biggest muscle in your body. 
Working out bigger muscles means faster muscle gains.  

Body Weight Squat
Double Leg Butt Kick
Front Leg Raises – One of the best body weight hamstring exercises.
Double Leg Butt Kick

Body Weight Chest Exercises

The most notorious body weight exercises for chest is probably the push up, but you may also know that that isn’t the only one and there are actually some more effective bodyweight exercises for your chest. 
The three areas you need to focus on are you upper, lower, and your side chest muscles.  How effective you workout these sub chest muscles, will determine how good of an overall chest you will get.

Wide Push Ups
Push-Ups With An Incline
Isometric Chest Squeezes
Push Up to Side Plank

Body Weight Shoulder Exercises

Some body weight exercises for shoulders can be a little tricky and hard at first, but you will get used to them.  A lot of the chest exercises talked about above will also workout your shoulders, so I would take it east on shoulder exercises, but make sure you do them and do them with the best ability you have. 

Handstand Push-Ups
Seated Front Deltoid
Decline Push Ups

Body Weight Tricep Exercises

I like to workout my triceps the most because they make my arms look big.  A lot of people think it’s biceps but they are wrong.  Want big arms? Workout your tricep.

Close Push Ups

Body Weight Exercises For Back

A lot of people skip there back in their workouts, but if they do they are making a big mistake.  Exercising your back will help your posture and will also prevent injuries for your later in life. 

And a lot of body weight back exercises involve other muscle groups, so you are getting much more out of your workout.

Pull Ups
Chin Ups


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