Monday, March 25, 2013

The Best Upper Body Workout Plan For Men

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic/
Whether you are trying to build muscle or lose weight an upper body workout plan is essential.

The muscle in your upper body gives you strength and will help you stay fit in other areas of your body.

Men want to build muscle in their upper body to be more attractive to women.

And women like to workout their upper body to avoid fat that is usually stored in their arms and shoulders, as well as to tone their muscles to give them a more feminine, healthy look.

If either of these scenarios fit your own, then read on because this is the exact article you need right now.

The Most Important Thing!

Before I get into the logistics of the actual upper body workout plan, let me talk about what it takes to get an overall great looking body. And it is to implement both, a good diet, as well as a workout regiment that corresponds to your goals.
And to get the best strategy I strongly suggest you check out The Muscle Maximizer. It is a system that is designed to truly target every problem area of your body and to help you build muscle, while cutting fat.

This program contains all of the components to fitness and it is the last fitness product you will ever buy that teaches you how to workout.

Many people have said that it truly changed their lives by implementing the Muscle Maximzer, and there's no reason why you can't do the same. 

The Most Efficient Upper Body Workout Plan

Your upper body contains six main muscles. And they are your shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, forearms, and your traps. If you target these main muscles with the right exercises you will totally transform your body.

So in that case, I have compiled some of the best exercises that I recommend, that I think will be helpful to you.

To make it easier I have separated each muscle group and given an example of exercises. You can implement these into your workout to get a more effective workout. 

If you want to learn how to properly perform all of these exercises check out, where you will find everything you need to know.


Military press

These work the front part of your shoulders, which are right above your biceps. Make sure you don't put to much weight on the first time you try these, this could lead to injuring your back if your not careful.

Lying Rear Delt Raise

You can do these standing while bent over or in this case, you do them while lying down on a workout bench.

Plate Raise

These are also great at working out the front of your shoulders.


Bench Press

These are simple and I don't think an explanation is due. Just make sure you control your movement while performing these to get the best results.

Incline Bench Press

You will feel an incredible burn in your upper chest every time you perform these.


These workout all areas of your chest and give it more dimension, which a lot of people have trouble with.

Push Ups


Barbell Curl
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls



Overhead Tri extensions

When performing these makes sure you don't arch your back, which will lead to serious injury.

Skull Crushers



Barbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Upright Row

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